Ősi, 1734
Diocesan/Monastic order
Name of the clergyman | Quality | From | Up Sort ascending | |
Bartos Ágoston premontrei | Substitute parson | 1988 | 1989 | |
Bozsoki Sándor Lehel ferences | Substitute parson | 1981 | 1988 | |
Komáromi Lajos Titusz bencés | Substitute parson | 1951 | 1981 | |
Bozsoki Sándor Lehel ferences | Parson | 1950 | 1981 | |
Horváth Jenő | Auxiliary | 1965 | 1965 | |
Angyal Ernő | Auxiliary | 1954 | 1954 | |
Pócza Dezső Árpád ferences | Auxiliary | 1950 | 1954 | |
Csohány László ferences | Missionary parson | 1951 | 1952 | |
Csohány László ferences | Substitute parson | 1950 | 1951 | |
Schuster Lajos | Field chaplain | 1950 | 1950 | |
Kelemen Alán Gábor ferences | Substitute parson | 1945 | 1950 | |
Puskás Lajos | Auxiliary | 1950 | 1950 | |
Kelemen Alán Gábor ferences | Substitute parson | 1945 | 1950 | |
Weisz Mihály ferences | Substitute parson | 1942 | 1945 | |
Weisz János | Substitute parson | 1943 | 1945 | |
Kósa Szalvátor ferences | Substitute parson | 1939 | 1942 | |
Törzsök Ignác ferences | Substitute parson | 1933 | 1939 | |
Ambrus Imre | Auxiliary | 1937 | 1937 | |
Tóth Móric ferences | Substitute parson | 1931 | 1933 | |
Jámbor András ferences | Substitute parson | 1927 | 1931 | |
Erőss Alajos ferences | Substitute parson | 1925 | 1927 | |
Horváth Domonkos ferences | Substitute parson | 1924 | 1925 | |
Pethő Lénárt ferences | Substitute parson | 1923 | 1924 | |
Gulyás Gellért ferences | Substitute parson | 1917 | 1923 | |
Kovács Kalliszt ferences szül: 1887 | Substitute parson | 1916 | 1917 | |
Pécsi Vazul ferences | Substitute parson | 1912 | 1916 | |
Schmiedt Félix ferences | Substitute parson | 1905 | 1912 | |
Tokay Piusz ferences | Substitute parson | 1903 | 1905 | |
Pichler Pál ferences | Substitute parson | 1900 | 1903 | |
Auerbach László | Substitute parson | 1890 | 1900 | |
Keresztes József | Auxiliary | 1899 | 1899 | |
Czigány Pál | Auxiliary | 1898 | 1899 | |
Plénder Jenő ferences | Substitute parson | 1884 | 1890 | |
Vörös Rudolf ferences | Substitute parson | 1883 | 1884 | |
Takács Ambrus ferences | Substitute parson | 1879 | 1883 | |
Dolmányos Demeter Emlián ferences | Substitute parson | 1865 | 1879 | |
Horváth Hilárion ferences | Substitute parson | 1857 | 1865 | |
Vajda Romuáld ferences | Substitute parson | 1855 | 1857 | |
Nagy Krizológ ferences | Substitute parson | 1852 | 1855 | |
Aszalay Vince | Substitute parson | 1855 | 1855 | |
Matkovics Gorgoniusz ferences | Substitute parson | 1851 | 1852 | |
Matkovics Landulf ferences | Substitute parson | 1850 | 1851 | |
Szekeres Szaniszló ferences | Substitute parson | 1849 | 1850 | |
Tóth Domonkos ferences | Substitute parson | 1847 | 1849 | |
Marton Lukács ferences | Substitute parson | 1845 | 1847 | |
Varga Wolfgang ferences | Substitute parson | 1842 | 1845 | |
Simon Péter ferences | Substitute parson | 1841 | 1842 | |
Varga Wolfgang ferences | Substitute parson | 1836 | 1841 | |
Balogh Libor ferences | Substitute parson | 1833 | 1836 | |
Tóth Domonkos ferences | Substitute parson | 1827 | 1833 | |
Goda Demeter ferences | Substitute parson | 1824 | 1827 | |
Kovács Imre ferences | Substitute parson | 1822 | 1824 | |
Horváth Sebestyén ferences | Substitute parson | 1818 | 1822 | |
Németh Ignác ferences | Substitute parson | 1816 | 1818 | |
Dömök Imre ferences | Substitute parson | 1815 | 1816 | |
Takács László ferences | Substitute parson | 1813 | 1815 | |
Kunitz Jakab ferences | Substitute parson | 1812 | 1813 | |
Kubinyi Tádé ferences | Substitute parson | 1810 | 1812 | |
Göntz Gaudenc ferences | Substitute parson | 1808 | 1810 | |
Dömök Imre ferences | Substitute parson | 1807 | 1808 | |
Horváth Hilárion ferences | Substitute parson | 1804 | 1807 | |
Horváth Szerafin ferences | Substitute parson | 1803 | 1804 | |
Fabsics Antal ferences | Substitute parson | 1800 | 1803 | |
Dömök Imre ferences | Substitute parson | 1799 | 1800 | |
Szabó Porfir ferences | Substitute parson | 1794 | 1799 | |
Fabsics Antal ferences | Substitute parson | 1791 | 1794 | |
Zsidics Ágoston ferences | Substitute parson | 1783 | 1791 | |
Kiss Bernát ferences | Substitute parson | 1780 | 1783 | |
Horjács Appolinár ferences | Substitute parson | 1779 | 1780 | |
Chinorányi Honorát ferences | Substitute parson | 1777 | 1778 | |
Szita Honor ferences | Substitute parson | 1775 | 1777 | |
Horjács Appolinár ferences | Substitute parson | 1773 | 1775 | |
Mitterpacher Ferenc ferences | Substitute parson | 1771 | 1773 | |
Mahomfay Menyhért ferences | Substitute parson | 1770 | 1771 | |
Horjács Appolinár ferences | Substitute parson | 1769 | 1770 | |
Takó Ernő ferences | Substitute parson | 1768 | 1769 | |
Péntek Cirjék ferences | Substitute parson | 1756 | 1768 | |
Molnár Antal ferences | Substitute parson | 1755 | 1756 | |
Bakónaki Timót ferences | Substitute parson | 1754 | 1755 | |
Molnár Antal ferences | Substitute parson | 1751 | 1754 | |
Bakónaki Timót ferences | Substitute parson | 1750 | 1751 | |
Pölöskefőy Alajos ferences | Substitute parson | 1749 | 1750 | |
Csala Didák ferences | Substitute parson | 1737 | 1745 | |
Kecskés Appolinár ferences | Substitute parson | 1724 | 1733 | |
Pilóczy Adalbert ferences | Substitute parson | 1724 | 1733 | |
Tapolcsányi János | Missionary parson | 1721 | 1726 | |
Kralek Tamás ferences | Substitute parson | 1703 | 1704 | |
Fabiancsics Pál ferences | Substitute parson | 1701 | 1703 | |
Fabiancsics Pál ferences | Substitute parson | 1696 | 1697 | |
Kralevich Tamás ferences | Substitute parson | 1693 | 1696 | |
Fabiancsics Pál ferences | Substitute parson | 1692 | 1693 | |
Kralevich Tamás ferences | Substitute parson | 1691 | 1692 | |
Fanianchics Péter ferences | Substitute parson | 1690 | 1691 | |
Mayr Izajás ferences | Substitute parson | 1688 | 1690 | |
Barcich Bernardin ferences | Substitute parson | 1687 | 1688 | |
Szabó Vince Tihamér ferences | Substitute parson | 1989 | ||
Szabó Vince Tihamér ferences | Substitute parson | 1989 |