Diocesan/Monastic order

Clergymen of the parish

Name of the clergyman Quality From Up Sort ascending
Keszthelyi Miklós Vazul O.Cist. Auxiliary 1956 1962
Perczel József Substitute parson 1788 1789
Karvaszy József Substitute parson 1761 1788
Szabady Gáspár Auxiliary 1777 1779
Reichardt Henrik Auxiliary 1763 1765
Leüttner József Substitute parson 1755 1761
Leüttner József Substitute parson 1755 1755
Tejfalusi János György Substitute parson 1739 1755
Brinda Ignác Substitute parson 1734 1737
Újváry Ferenc szül: ? Substitute parson 1731 1734
Herbert József Substitute parson 1724 1724
Strelle Benedek bencés Substitute parson 1721 1724


Temples of the parish
