Diocesan/Monastic order

Clergymen of the parish

Name of the clergyman Quality Sort descending From Up
Viola József Field chaplain 1931 1937
Kozma György Field chaplain 1925 1931
Mózner László Field chaplain 1937 1942
Hothwagner Pál Temporary administrator 1906 1906
Kasza Vilmos Temporary administrator 1906 1907
Stagl Ernő Temporary administrator 1907 1909
Bathó Lajos Missionary parson 1967 1971
Berkovics Imre Missionary parson 1924 1946
Jakab Gyula Missionary parson 1942 1952
Csohány László ferences Substitute parson 1952 1967
Szabó Dénes Substitute parson 1980 1996
Szabó Kornél Substitute parson 1971 1980
Szalai Jeremiás Substitute parson 1996 2002


Esperesi kerület Főesperesség Tól Ig
Csurgói Segesdi 1926 1946
Nagykanizsa vidéki Zalai 1949 1949
Nagykanizsai Zalai 1963 1992