Diocesan/Monastic order

Clergymen of the parish

Name of the clergyman Quality From Sort descending Up
Stublitz Stulicz János György Substitute parson 1712 1714
Poslmar Simon Substitute parson 1713 1714
Schurián Tamás Substitute parson 1714 1719
Bitomszky József Substitute parson 1723 1749
Horváth Mihály szül: 1723 Auxiliary 1748 1749
Horváth Mihály szül: 1723 Field chaplain 1749 1768
Teklics Zsigmond Auxiliary 1768 1768
Teklics Zsigmond Substitute parson 1768 1777
Ilyés Dénes Auxiliary 1963 1963


Temples of the parish
