
Diocesan/Monastic order

Clergymen of the parish

Name of the clergyman Quality From Sort descending Up
Anton Gábor Substitute parson 1716 1716
Gabriel Antal Substitute parson 1716 1725
Bayerman János Substitute parson 1725 1730
Hasz János György Substitute parson 1730 1736
Stein Jakab Vitus Missionary parson 1735 1735
Forstinger Mihály bécsi skót bencés Substitute parson 1736 1743
Höchtel Jakab Substitute parson 1743 1743
Mehlich János György Substitute parson 1743 1776
Pachoffer Ignác Substitute parson 1755 1775
Perczel József Substitute parson 1776 1788


Temples of the parish
